14.2   Methodology
The cargo information is based on two sources:
  1. the cargo handbook "Die Ware in der Transportversicherung" published by the former DTV (new edition 1990-1994) which covers approximately 140 types of cargo

  2. the "Codierte Handbuch der Güter des Seetransports", which was produced in three volumes at the former Warnemünde-Wustrow University of Seafaring (1969-1989), covering 600 main product types and 2,600 cross-referenced product types.

A common feature of the two works is the provision of information about goods to be transported, protecting them from damage and assessing the risks associated with transport by ship, rail, truck or aircraft.
The cargo information pages have been drafted on the basis of the above two works, together with current specialist literature from GDV's transport division. With the emphasis on ensuring that all information is up-to-date, experts have been consulted and use has been made in particular of the transport insurers' information services. New technologies, in particular with regard to container transport and controlled atmosphere container transport, new packaging, analysis of incidents of loss and finally photos and drawings have all been included in this work.

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